(720)-252-2691 starts with area code 720. 7202522691 belongs to the state of Colorado - CO. City: Denver, CO. County: Denver. International format: +1 7202522691. You can comment on this number, flagging a phone number as "Safe" or "Not Safe" and "Unknown". If the phone number is infringing or the comment has an insulting remarks. You can contact us to delete..
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1 Recent comments about 7202522691
- This person is a person who is using his private cell phone number to make calls to anyone asking them to renew their car's warranty, in which if you were going to be asked to renew your car's warranty, it would come from your car's dealership we're from the manufacturer of the vehicle that you drive explanation point I tried to ask them to take me off their caller list, and he hung up on me! When I called back to try to get this resolved and me taking off their caller list, a lady answered -- who was very rude and denied the phone call every came from their number, and hung up on me! When I called back to check what kind of organization it was, it went to a private cell phone number voice mailbox! Do not give out any information to these people -- because it is a scam! All other phone calls that came through The call that came through -- came through with no caller ID and they did not state their name when the recording came on or when I tried to call and get my number put on their Do Not Call list! When I called back, and tried to get the same guy that hung up on me, I first got another lady who is very rude and swore that it never came from their number when it was purely from this number because it came through on my caller ID as his number! She denied that it ever came through from their number, when I had the evidence! Then when I call back, again, because he rudely hung up to avoid their getting caught, because he knew that I was on to them, and we're afraid of getting caught, this is what I went through to a private cell phone number voicemail -- even though the recording came from this number! The number is coming from the Denver, Colorado area -- because it is a 720 area code number! On the last entries and I made in regards to this number being a Scam and a Spam number -- with people scamming others for money -- that, as I stated -- the renewal of your car's warranty would come from the dealership or the maker of your vehicle -- in the first couple of calls -- there was no caller ID. Neither did the introduce himself on the recording or in person, when I went to get my number removed from their list, and they hung up on me -- they did not even identify themself then, but except to say "Great" when they thought I was calling in regards to what they announced as renewing car warranties, until he found out what I wanted -- that I wanted my number taking off their collar list! And, then, he hung up on me, and this is when I called back and got the rude lady answering for him and denying that they had ever called me, refusing to give her name, and hung up on me, and then I called back, I got that private cell phone number voice mailbox. Note a couple of things: 1.) If they have your number, they also have your name, and whatever other information about you! 2.) This is also how identity theft starts and continues and finds you up in a woven web that is so hard to get out of, and correct it, and where it destroys your credit and can take away everything you own from you! If I don't eat theft is committed by these kinds of people, it is so hard to get out of and to recover from, especially if the end up taking all your money out of your accounts and you losing everything you own through identity theft! I have had identity theft committed against me before, and I know it is like to recover from it! You have to start by closing out all of your accounts and all of your credit cards and reopening new accounts and heavy new credit cards issued and having new ID issued -- whether it be a state ID or driver's license, wtc. Many times, you do not know identity theft is happening from people like this, until it's too late, and the damage is already done! For your information, for any identity theft that is committed against you in $500 or more, you can go to the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), and turn the keys over to them! But, it is best to go to your bank and close out your accounts and your credit cards and have new accounts and credit card reissue and dispute any charges against your accounts to recover the money and file a police report in the process so the bank has it! Then, you involve the FBI to go after them after finding out where it came from by using the phone number that the call came from, and how the money was taken out of your account, to backtrack, and locate them for prosecutorial reasons, to make sure that you get your money back! DO NOT GIVE ANY INFORMATION TO THESE GUYS! **** This is the best way to put them out of business and stop them from doing it, and to protect yourself! **** I have not listed my name on this because if they do not have my name, which they probably do, I do not want to promote any identity theft in the future! But, I have put this out there to protect people like you -- anyone who would be called by them and come across them by their contacting them! DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY INDORMATION! Your cell phone carrier and landline carrier now has a free service that can be added to your line for Scam and Spam phone calls like this! If they do not, for the purpose of your cell phone line, get an app that is called "Call Control" to block these calls from people like this!!
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