(206)-451-8259 In Basic Information
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Country: United States
Province / State: Washington - WA
City: Bainbridge Is, WA
Area Codes: 206
County: Kitsap
National format: 2064518259 / 206-451-8259
International format:>+1 2064518259
Phone Type: Landline
Timezone: Pacific 22:26:15
Washington - WA, The average home value is $577K.
Washington - WA, The average resident's age is 60 y/o.
Washington - WA, Income average is $61.5K.
State Population in Area Code 201: 7,170,351.
Latitude: 45°  33′ N to 49° N Longitude: 116°  55′ W to 124°  46′ W
Phone Company: 360networks (usa) Inc.

(206)-451-8259 starts with area code 206. 2064518259 belongs to the state of Washington - WA. City: Bainbridge Is, WA. County: Kitsap. International format: +1 2064518259. You can comment on this number, flagging a phone number as "Safe" or "Not Safe" and "Unknown". If the phone number is infringing or the comment has an insulting remarks. You can contact us to delete..

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The total number of votes is 1!
1 Safety
0 Not Safety
0 Unknown
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1 Recent comments about 2064518259

  • Post by Guest,
    they called me and told me I owe the irs 2000+ and if i hung up in the next 45 minutes a warrant would be issued, my bank account would be siezed, my drivers license would be taken and I would either need to pay or fly to Washington and fight the irs in court. He told me the call was being recorded and asked me if I frauded the irs on purpose or not. I told him I did nothing wrong, And that I would pay it all now just tell me where to send the money. (knowing he was full of it, btw). So then, "officer kevin smith" gave me a case number, his badge number claiming to be a detective of the irs investigation department and said to not interrupt him or he'd end the call and I'd be arrested immediately. I said again I'd pay now, just to see how far he'd go with this scam, he still wouldn't tell me how to pay, odd. But he said he'd get a supervisor to take the transaction This man got on and claimed to be named David Morse. He asked me, "why are you asking so many questions?", I said, well because you are. He asked me if I really want to fight the government. I said, ya know, its strange you and officer Kevin Smith there have very thick indian accents and yet have American names... Guess this pissed him off bc he told me to "put it up my [***]?" I said, "excuse me?" He said, the same lued comment again followed by, "[***] you" then he hung up. I called back to speak to a supervisor, naturally, and it was "Kevin Smith" again and he asked, "are you listening?, can you hear me? " I said, " yep sure can." He then asked, "can I [***] you?" I told him he should be ashamed of himself and hung up. What sickos! This should be stopped.

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