(205)-419-2951 In Basic Information
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Country: United States
Province / State: Alabama - AL
Area Codes: 205
County: Unknown
National format: 2054192951 / 205-419-2951
International format:>+1 2054192951
Phone Type:
Timezone: Central 23:17:51
Alabama - AL, The average home value is $143K.
Alabama - AL, The average resident's age is 59 y/o.
Alabama - AL, Income average is $97.8K.
State Population in Area Code 201: 4,863,300.
Latitude: 30° 11′ N to 35° N Longitude: 84° 53′ W to 88° 28′ W
Phone Company: Unknown

(205)-419-2951 starts with area code 205. 2054192951 belongs to the state of Alabama - AL. City: . County: Unknown. International format: +1 2054192951. You can comment on this number, flagging a phone number as "Safe" or "Not Safe" and "Unknown". If the phone number is infringing or the comment has an insulting remarks. You can contact us to delete..

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The total number of votes is 1!
1 Safety
0 Not Safety
0 Unknown
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1 Recent comments about 2054192951

  • Post by Guest,
    These guys call, usually twice a day, attempting to collect on what they claim are two bad checks, one from 1997 and another from 1998. They call from several different numbers and if you return the call it goes to a Voice mailbox that is always full. The robo call i receive states that they are going to be attaching my wages or debiting my bank account in the next 24 hours. When you do call them and get to talk to a person, they use aggressive language and threaten, however when you ask them simple questions to even prove the authenticity of who they are they will become angry and hang up the phone. Once I was able to get the name of the bank on which the check was drawn, I contacted the bank and had them investigate if the checks were in fact bad, returned or had other problems. The bank told me that the account was closed in good standing in 2001 and there were no outstanding checks as well as telling me that even if there were outstanding checks the statute of limitations on bad checks in the state of California had already long expired. These people are scammers and are preying on peoples lack of knowledge and fear of having wages garnished or other legal issues. DO NOT PAY THEM and REPORT THEM TO THE PROPER AUTHORITIES!!

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