Area Code 651 in Minnesota - MN

The 651 Area Code (or Area Code 651) is located in the state of MN. Area Code 651 is one of the 269 3-digit telephone area codes in the USA. It covers roughly 1.22 million unique phone numbers and 3.98 million individuals near the city of Minneapolis

State: Minnesota - MN
Major City: Saint Paul
Land area: 86,936 sq mi (225,163 km2)
Minnesota - MN, The average home value is $105K.
Minnesota - MN, The average resident's age is 62 y/o.
Minnesota - MN, Income average is $35.6K.
State Population in Area Code 201: 5,489,594.
Latitude: 43° 30′ N to 49° 23′ N Longitude: 89° 29′ W to 97° 14′ W
Time zone in Area Code 201: Central 05:48:17.
Major Cities in Area Code 651: Cottage Grove, MN>Eagan, MN>Inver Grove Heights, MN>Lakeville, MN>Maplewood, MN>New Brighton, MN>Oakdale, MN>Roseville, MN>Shoreview, MN>South St. Paul, MN>St. Paul, MN>White Bear Lake, MN>Woodbury, MN
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