Area Code 325 in Texas - TX
The 325 Area Code (or Area Code 325) is located in the state of TX. Area Code 325 is one of the 269 3-digit telephone area codes in the USA. It covers roughly 474 thousand unique phone numbers and 1.39 million individuals near the city of Brownwood
State: Texas - TX
Major City: Menard
Land area: 268,581 sq mi (696,241 km2)
Texas - TX, The average home value is $77.3K.
Texas - TX, The average resident's age is 56 y/o.
Texas - TX, Income average is $27.5K.
State Population in Area Code 201: 27,862,596.
Latitude: 25° 50′ N to 36° 30′ N Longitude: 93° 31′ W to 106° 39′ W
Time zone in Area Code 201: Central 09:42:31.
Major Cities in Area Code 325: San Angelo, TX