The 305 Area Code (or Area Code 305) is located in the state of FL. Area Code 305 is one of the 269 3-digit telephone area codes in the USA. It covers roughly 3.35 million unique phone numbers and 11.9 million individuals near the city of Miami
Area code 305 was put into service. In 1953 area code 305 was split to form area code 813. In 1965 area code 305 was split to form area code 904. In 1988 area code 305 was split to form area code 407. In 1995 area code 305 was split to form area code 954. In 1998 area code 305 was partially overlaid with area code 786, this included Miami-Dade County but not the Florida Keys in Monroe County. Effective June 1, 2015 area code 786 will be expanded to include all of the Florida Keys in Monroe County and ten digit dialing will be mandatory.
State: Florida - FL
Major City: Miami
Land area: 65,755 sq mi (170,304 km2)
Florida - FL, The average home value is $154K.
Florida - FL, The average resident's age is 57 y/o.
Florida - FL, Income average is $29.8K.
State Population in Area Code 201: 20,612,439.
Latitude: 24° 27' N to 31° 00' N Longitude: 80° 02' W to 87° 38' W
Time zone in Area Code 201: Eastern 16:04:35.
Major Cities in Area Code 305: Carol City, FL>Coral Gables, FL>Coral Terrace, FL>Country Club, FL>Cutler Ridge, FL>Doral, FL>Golden Glades, FL>Hialeah, FL>Homestead, FL>Kendale Lakes, FL>Kendall, FL>Key West, FL>Leisure City, FL>Miami, FL>Miami Beach, FL>Miami Lakes, FL>Miramar, FL>Norland, FL>North Miami, FL>North Miami Beach, FL>Richmond, FL>Richmond Heights, FL>South Miami Heights, FL>Tamiami, FL>West Little River, FL>Westchester, FL